Artist, Meagan Burns had her exhibit at Iven Kelley-Dobson’s Galeria Potranca sponsored by Mata de Monte. Lots of artsy folks were in attendance, including Judith Jenya along with this paper's Publisher, Camie Fenton. Tim Tyler is a renowned fine art oil painter and instructor, whose work spans the globe from San Miguel de Allende to permanent exhibits in Barcelona, Spain to Crystal Bridges in Bentonville, Arkansas.
Then there is cubist and surreal artist, Louis Dalmau, beyond his mesmerizing work, his life history and stories include - shall we just say - family friends the likes of Toulouse Lautrec and Salvador Dali. As Mark Twain once said, “You cannot depend on your eyes if your imagination is out of focus". Set yourself free by exploring these wonderful artists living here among us. Just back from Cuba, Art collectors, Nory and Harvey Oxenberg with treasures a many to be sure.
What's new in the Food & Drink scene
A little Latin: Degustibus non desputandum est – “There are no disputing matters of taste”, in San Miguel when it comes to the wide variety and everyone's favorite drinks and restaurants... Alex Trapp & Laura Rodriguez, Paul Escott & Sophia Trapp-Escott are names you might not recognize, but they are the Founders and Producers of San Miguel world's first carbon negative mezcal. It is the newest and hottest trending organic Mezcal in town. Mata de Monte-Casa Agave is being seen and tasted all over the place from concerts, and charity events to their Bar Atzintli.
Isaac del Castillo Shvartz, originally from Mexico City but with time in New York City just opened the Deli-District on Sterling Dickinson adding another layer of gastro flavors here in town. It's not cheap, but when you need to have that-piled high pastrami on rye, you no longer have to fly to the Big Apple to get your Deli on. Chef JJ at Mesa Marrakech also makes a mean pastrami sandwich.
Music Scene
Our unofficial Kiwi Ambassadors, James & Flick Davies w/Cindy Minyard danced the night away at the 'City of Jazz' Gipsy Kings Concert. El Monarco General Manager, Frankie de La Cruz, aka Crazy Horse Promotions shared with me, that owner Kim Knight is soon to celebrate three consecutive years in business. El Monarco has all the markings of the new hot music venue in town thanks to Frankie with his added touches of F&B interior designs and his now famous rock'n'rollers signatures on the stairway to heaven to El Monarco's rooftop. Oh and don’t forget the hottest drink in town, the Mata de Monte Mezcal Negroni.
Well-known and respected recording guitarist Bill Kavanagh gave one of his beloved Maria's most lavish birthday parties. My sources tell me there were close to 200 guests from 2 pm to 10-ish. Has to have been THE social/music party of the year, with Bands entertaining guests, Hot Tamales, Edy Rizo, Super D’s, Sotol Sonico, and a who’s who in an open jam that followed.
The Last Word …
Beth with her bright red hair, like the Red Dragon of Wales, and her husband and equally colorful Richard Templeton are the new splash duo of SMA. After two years, Claudia & Mitchell Wert, (she's originally from Uruguay) now new San Miguel de Allende residents from Houston, have finished their stunning home in Guadiana. The multi-tasking Uriel Negrete is one friend you might just want in your back pocket. He is seen daily as the General Manager at the Art Garden Cafe & Casa Camellia. He is also a very well-respected Attorney and Real Estate Agent. Truth be known, he likes to burn the midnight oil as a creative graphic artist too. Scott Allison & Evan Bernstein just celebrated their 24th Anniversary. Chef Anthony and Ralph Lopez, are off to the Mediterranean to sail aboard Silversea's newest ship, Silver Rey, on a trans-Atlantic journey to the Caribbean and on to Florida. For the erudite among you, you will be familiar with one of this paper's contributing writers. None other than, Judith Jenya, Poet and Nobel Peace Prize nominee. Delve into her columns with joy and her latest work, a memoir, Memories Do Not Burn. “Let's be absurd” as spoken by a true Improve actor, James Cox, and his equally talented and beautiful wife, actress, and Country English rider, Krystal McCulloch, together with actor Josh Robinson. Part of the San Miguel de Allende Improve People troupe, with Founders, Eli Hans and Joseph Bennett. It is a hilarious evening, about as much fun as you can have with your clothes on!